La Lipoláser, es otro de los tratamientos favoritos de los pacientes, pues se trata de un procedimiento que se especializa en la eliminación de grasas corporal y al mismo tiempo disminuye considerablemente la celulitis.

Es un tratamiento que se puede realizar semanalmente, los resultados son notables a partir de la sesión 8. Un paciente promedio requiere entre 6 y 10 sesiones. La particularidad de este tratamiento es que erradica de forma permanente la grasa persistente por lo que disminuye la posibilidad de que estos cúmulos regresen.
La diferencia entre la Lipoláser y el Coolsculpting, es que en el caso de la Lipoláser se usan longitudes de onda y potencias de precisión. Se enfoca en la eliminación de grasa localizada, molde la figura y disminuye la celulitis. Es indoloro y no invasivo.
No es un tratamiento para todos, está contraindicado para menores de edad, embarazadas o en proceso de lactancia, así como personas con problemas severos de sobrepeso, o personas con patologías crónicas o cuadros infecciosos, entre otros.
En general, la compra de la máquina para el tratamiento de Coolsculpting, es una inversión segura. El costo del equipo en sí puede recuperarse con tan solo 2 o 3 sesiones, dado que el precio es elevado, además este es un tratamiento de reducción de grasa muy popular y demandado. Cada vez son mas las personas que prefieren tratamientos como el Coolsculpting en lugar de las cirugías estéticas, en primer lugar para evitarse los riesgos y segundo al ser no invasivo y no necesitar reposo posterior a las sesiones es una ventaja.
También es importante destacar que además de contar con el equipamiento adecuado, es preciso trabajar con profesionales preparadas, con el conocimiento adecuado para realizar esta técnica. Mantener el negocio a la vanguardia con los servicios que son tendencia y las tecnologías mas avanzadas permiten que el local vaya popularizándose en la zona y ganando cada vez mas clientes.
La máquina realiza el tratamiento que aplica la técnica de Criolipólisis para congelar y destruir las células adiposas, además uno de sus efectos más notables es la eliminación de celulitis.
El tratamiento como tal puede requerir de una a 3 sesiones para obtener los resultados deseados. Es una técnica de reducción completamente recomendable, no invasiva y nada dolorosa. Es un equipamiento muy útil en centro de medicina estética y Spa por los grandes beneficios que tiene para eliminar la grasa y reducir tallas.
La Criolipólisis o también llamado tratamiento Coolsculpting, es una excelente alternativa a las cirugías estéticas como la liposucción, ya que es un procedimiento innovador que destaca por sus beneficios en la eliminación de grasa y reducción de volumen en zonas localizadas, donde se emplean temperaturas inferiores a cero grados para congelar y destruir las células grasas sin dañar la piel.
Se obtienen resultados efectivos sin someterse a cirugías o procesos dolorosos, por lo que ha ganado muchos adeptos actualmente. No necesita tiempo de recuperación, ni tiene efectos adversos. Es una técnica que puede aplicarse en aquellas personas que mantienen un estilo de vida saludable pero que les ha costado eliminar la grasa en zonas puntuales y la Criolipólisis les permite alcanzar dichos objetivos.
Es importante destacar que no es un procedimiento para bajar de peso, por lo que no es recomendado en personas con obesidad, sino con depósitos de grasa no tan severos. Si estas buscando una alternativa no invasiva para hacer desaparecer ese cumulo de grasas en tus muslos internos, externos, brazos, abdomen, los famosos rollitos o la papada, esta sin duda es una opción que debes tomar en cuenta.
Diet and physical training do not always lead to desired results. Genetics, age, hormones, bad habits, and sedentary lifestyles all play roles in cellulite development. Some people find it difficult to get rid of the annoying “orange peel”, as well as fat deposits and flabby or saggy skin. Luckily, professional slimming machines effectively fight these skin concerns.
Slimming machines help both women and men to attain and maintain a slim shape. Furthermore, some techniques allow men to get a washboard stomach without taking any efforts.
Despite invasive procedures, there is a variety of non-invasive techniques for body shaping using professional slimming machines. These modalities focus on specific physical properties of fat in order to influence them selectively and burn fat cells. Furthermore, each method of treatment draws on particular therapies and utilizes a special device to get the great effect. The machine can tighten and lift the skin after losing fat. So, if you are interested in how slimming machine works, learn about various slimming techniques.
Ultrasound cavitation is the most advanced technology of losing weight by applying low-frequency ultrasonic waves. When influencing the body tissues, these impulses form air bubbles in fat tissue. Gradually, such creations grow and, at least, burst thus breaking the lipocyte membrane without the ability to restore. Cellular debris is easily eliminated naturally by the lymphatic system.
It usually takes 5-7 sessions with an interval of 7 days to see the full correction of one problem area. The procedure lasts from 20 to 40 minutes depending on the treated area, the amount of fat, and a person’s desire.
A patient observes visible effects after the third session (minus 2-4 inches in volume). However, a course of several procedures helps improve the results and achieve their durability.
An infrared sauna blanket provides warmth, like a sleeping bag, and infrared rays. Thanks to its efficiency and simplicity, this device is widely used in wellness centers, spas, beauty salons, facial rooms, and homes.
This device utilizes infrared warmth for body contouring and cellulite elimination. Such absolutely harmless impact causes body temperature to rise, blood flow and metabolic process to improve, and fat to actively burn.
Cryolipolysis Near MeClients should see a reduction of 1.5-2.5 inches in volume just after the first procedure. However, an entire whole course of 10-15 sessions allows for more prolonged and observable results. A two-day interval between treatments helps the body get rid of toxins and restore itself before the next session. A manipulation lasts 15 to 30 minutes depending on the target area, stage of treatment, and client desires.
The main function of the lymphatic system is to bring nutrients in and waste out, help with cellular restoration, get rid of toxins, and prevent viral and bacterial attacks. However, a lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, stress, a polluted environment, and other issues can cause congestion, failure of bodily systems. This can lead to fatigue and health issues including cellulite and flabby and saggy skin.
By utilizing a lymphatic drainage massage machine, you can stimulate the lymphatic system, improve the condition of vessels and metabolism in the tissues, and enhance natural lymph flow and venous blood.
Pressotherapy is based on using compressed air for improving lymph flow and fighting “orange peel”. A patient needs to wear a special costume (on the whole body or selectively on the skin problem area) which is filled with this air. Due to a deep massage effect, cellulite gradually eliminates, 4-7 inches of volumes disappear, and a person feels lighter.
In general, this machine allows you to affect a particular problem area like the legs, hips, face, etc. Depending on the treatment type, target area, and skin condition, a body contouring and energy-improving manipulation can last anywhere from 15 to 40 minutes. An entire course consists of 15-20 procedures, giving an individual three days in between for rejuvenation.
This is another device that helps people boost weight loss throughout every area of their bodies, get fit, and increase muscle strength. It is designed to produce and deliver an electrical current through special patches into a predetermined area. As a result, the nerves and muscles activate and demand necessary energy. so they start burning fat cells from the body’s fat stores to get this energy. Both fat deposits burning and the excretion of toxins lead to significant cellulite reduction.
Working with the electric muscle stimulation machine, an esthetician can adjust intensity and pace, choose a problem area, and find a suitable approach to each patient.
It takes approximately 45-60 minutes for a procedure. For optimal results, a person should have 15-18 sessions at an interval of 2-3 times a week.
Endermologie lipomassage is an innovative, non-invasive method of massaging with a vacuum roller as an alternative to invasive liposuction. Does the LPG endermologie machine work? The answer is “Yes”. Let’s consider its operating principle and advantages by evaluating the Zemits Bionexis machine. This device is based on the combination of bipolar RF energy, infrared light, and mechanical and vacuum rollinge. The unit looks like a system with a monitor and includes a variety of differently shaped applicators with self-propelled rollers. When moving the handpiece along the target area, the vacuum chamber between rollers slightly lifts and squeezes the skin. This process causes the expansion of lymph flow and an active withdrawal of fluid and toxins from the subcutaneous layer.
The soft massage helps activate fat burning and reduce fat deposits on the hands, thighs, and buttocks. Furthermore, the device is used for body contouring, reduction of wrinkles and their depths, and improvement of the skin condition that is targeted.
A course usually includes 15 sessions, although it can be more or less than that. After each 40-minute procedure, you should have a three-day break because a roller massage has a prolonged impact; this also gives your body time to recover. Note that it is necessary to have supporting treatments approximately 1-2 times a month.
Please remember that a slimming machine is not a solution to excess weight; it simply is for the elimination of weight gain consequences. Each method of treatment mentioned above has its benefits and contraindications. Here is a list of the most important contraindications:
Note that if you suffer from a cold, fever, or chronic medical condition, it is better to postpone treatment. Besides, it is always advisable to consult with your doctor or general practitioner before starting any exercise program. This helps a specialist choose the most effective treatment in accordance with their skin concerns, personal characteristics, and preferences.
Using slimming machines for weight loss is absolutely safe and painless. However, side effects may occur after a treatment. In the case of wrongly selected intensity or a person’s individual characteristics swelling, small subcutaneous bruising, redness, or other complications may appear. In fact, these side effects are temporary and disappear on their own.
Fortunately, technology is rapidly developing and giving way to more non-invasive and painless weight loss techniques. There is a wide range of slimming machines on the market nowadays that is a great advantage for beauty business owners and individuals. Moreover, up-to-date multifunctional systems allow beauticians to perform several advanced procedures using just one device.
You can also buy a compact portable slimming machine for personal purposes or for use in small spas and beauty salons.